(609) 8839393


About Us

World’s most reliable business grade Internet phone solution

Founded in 1974, KSB Telesound began with a mission to help small and medium-sized businesses like yours get a real return on their technology investments. Since then, we have remained dedicated to providing state-of-the-art IT support, service and products that allow our clients to get ahead of the competition and achieve greater success.

Expert IT support from KSB Telesound takes the focus off your technology problems and puts it back on what really matters – your business.

Here’s why so many businesses depend on KSB Telesound for IT service and support:

  • An entire team of experts at your service – dependable consultants and engineers that work as your partners in IT and success
  • Round-the-clock technical support – IT help when you need it most

Technology services from KSB Telesound are designed, created and implemented with your unique business needs in mind, so you know you’ll see a return on your IT investments today and in the future.

Discover why so many businesses are turning to KSB Telesound for the best and brightest in IT support.